It's nice to know that Kathy has nothing to worry about when it comes to organizing and filing RPC's music. After all, she has that full-time clerical assistant who puts every piece where it belongs, returns separated
Communios to their propers, makes all the copies, etc.
...wait, what? Kathy DOESN'T have such an assistant? Never mind. (How did she manage all of this before she retired?)
If you really want to frazzle Kathy, make her "job" of music organization harder. Don't follow her directions on how to stack your music at the beginning of rehearsal or the end of Mass. Put other music she isn't asking for among the piles, even in a separate pile (yes, I've done that one). Forget to include the
Communios with the verses inside the corresponding propers. Turn in music that doesn't need to be turned in, or at least not yet. And so on. Check out
these other ways to get on Kathy's bad side.
Let's run down what you need to do with what at the end of the season.
Things NOT To Turn In (That Is, You Keep Them)
- Books/booklets (but these should be returned if you leave RPC. More on that later):
- Adoremus
- St. Michael's Hymnal
- Liber Cantualis
- St. Gregory Hymnal*
- Chormisik der Caecilianer* (the "green book")
- Chants of the Roman Missal* (English)
- Sheet music of:
- Tutorial sheets on:
- Any personal copies of any music (throw away or recycle; please don't confuse Kathy)
- Any schedule printouts (likewise)
*If you have it.
Things To Turn In (Most Of Which Probably Should Have Been Turned In Sometime Over The Past Eight Months)
- Other Gospel Acclamation sheets besides SotY I
- Psalms in numerical order
- Propers (with the corresponding Communio inside)
- Holy Thursday or Easter Sunday booklets
- Hymns or motets in alphabetical order, but NOT if they're going to be used for Pentecost or Corpus Christi; check first
Please erase any pencil marks you make on each of these pieces of music unless you want Kathy to give you back the same copy next year or in a future year; in that case, put your name on the front of each piece
in pencil.
By the way, some of you reading this blog still have choir robes and music books even though you have long since left RPC, or you know someone else who does. What on earth are you/they planning to do with them? Please arrange, or have that person arrange, to return them to Kathy. That'll be one less thing to go to confession for.