PLEASE TURN IN YOUR ST. MICHAEL'S HYMNAL AT THE JUNE 5 REHEARSAL. The Cathedral will no longer be using it, and with Fr. Francisco's help, we will donate the hymnals to a parish in Castro Valley, CA. At least our muscles will get a rest. Again, that's at the June 5 rehearsal.
Everything else will be turned in at the
June 12 rehearsal, except of course for what will be needed for the Saturday, June 16 wedding which ends our season. Sorry for the over-explanation, but if we just follow directions, it will make Kathy's life much easier.
It's music turn-in time! Recall that Kathy gave you a manila envelope earlier this year; she distinctly asked you to keep it to facilitate turning your music in. If you don't have it, please get another one, and in either event, put your name on it. Do not submit ANY loose sheets.
Please erase any pencil marks you make on
each of these pieces of music unless you want Kathy to give you back the same copy next year or in a future year; in that case, put your name on the front of each piece in pencil.
Things To Turn In (Most Of Which Probably Should Have Been Turned In Sometime Over The Past Nine Months)
- ON JUNE 5:
- ON JUNE 12:
- Other Gospel Acclamation sheets besides Sundays of the Year I
- Psalm responses in numerical order
- Propers (with the corresponding Communio inside)
- Booklets from Holy Thursday, Easter Sunday, or others
- Hymns or motets in alphabetical order
Things NOT To Turn In (That Is, You Keep Them Until Further Notice)
- Adoremus
- Parish Book of Chant
- Liber Cantualis
- St. Gregory Hymnal*
- Chormisik der Caecilianer* (the "green book")
- Chants of the Roman Missal* (English)
- Sheet music of:
- Asperges Me/Vidi Aquam
- The eight Gloria Patri tones*
- Gospel Acclamations, Sundays of the Year I
- Memorial Acclamation*
- Repleatur
- Tutorial sheets on:
- Any personal copies of any music (throw away/recycle; Kathy gets these every. single. year.)
- Any schedule printouts (likewise)
*If you have it; not everyone does.