Saturday, March 31, 2018

We're Splitting Up

(Caption: "I would say 'It's Not You, It's Me' except it's you."

Yes, we are splitting up, but only for a couple weeks. Rather than take a full rehearsal off this Tuesday, April 3, that will be a rehearsal night for the sopranos and altos only. Then on April 10, they get to relax while the tenors and basses have their own rehearsal. This is not unlike in baseball where, during spring training, teams will often send a "split squad" to play two separate games on the same day or night. [ETA: Actually, for that analogy to work, there would have to be members of all four parts at each rehearsal. Oh, well.]

So, to repeat:

Tuesday, April 3 rehearsal: Sopranos/altos only

Tuesday, April 10 rehearsal: Tenors/basses only

Tuesday, April 17 rehearsal: Our whole dysfunctional choir family

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