Monday, July 14, 2014

The Church Music Association Of America

(Second in a series about the links from the RPC site, found on the left of the screen)

We owe a huge debt to the CMAA, which puts on the annual Sacred Music Colloquium that Kathy goes to each year and many of us have attended as well. Our good friend and mentor Dr. William Mahrt is the president of the CMAA. As I type this, the site is full of notes about this year's just-completed colloquium in Indianapolis. It also has lots of audio files from this and prior colloquiums (colloquia?).

I thought the CMAA was a fairly new creation from those who wanted, like Regina Pacis, to see sacred music (chant and polyphony) restored to the liturgy; actually, the CMAA has been around since 1874. Still, this one sentence from their "About Us" section sums up their existence: "No cathedral and no parish need be without sacred music." The overwhelming majority of Sunday Masses in the Reno-Sparks area will remind you that such a dearth unfortunately persists.

Through the CMAA site, you can:

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