Wednesday, June 26, 2019

So, That's That

Another Regina Pacis Cantorum season is now in our rearview mirror. Last year at this time, we really weren't sure what we were going to be doing, having lost access to St. Thomas Aquinas Cathedral with the departure of the Friars. But God, as He so often does, opens a window when He closes a door.

Last summer, we began a new relationship with Assumption Church in Truckee. We ended up singing there nine times, and the parishioners kindly hosted a reception for us after Christ The King Mass! We enjoyed the eagerness of Fr. Vincent Juan and the congregation to have us, and we hope to be back this fall.

Snow cancelled a couple of our rehearsals and what would have been our tenth visit to Assumption in February.

Our other main venue was, of course, Holy Spirit Mission. We wish Fr. Loy Torrente well as he heads into retirement at last, but maybe we'll still see him saying the EF from time to time. We also appreciate Fr. Charles Ike of the FSSP filling for Corpus Christi. We again thank the Chocolate Nugget for making their parking lot available for well-attended Masses.

We had the honor of singing for Fr. Patrick Klekas' First Mass at Immaculate Conception in Sparks. We may sing for him in the future at St. Albert the Great; stay tuned.

With not as full a schedule as in prior years, Kathy was able to devote rehearsal time to something we can never learn enough of: solfege. Some of us are hearing "Factu-US est repente" in our sleep as an example of a fifth interval.

Kathy had to put up with medical issues of her own and with her loved ones. She had surgery on the second of her eyes, took care of her husband Bob after he had a ladder collapse under him, and spent time with daughter Marli in Henderson when she broke both her bones in her forearm. That visit, however, launched some ties between the schola at St. Bridget's of Las Vegas and RPC. (Oh, and she and Sandy helped rescue this tenor from the ER in Grass Valley.)

We bade farewell to former member Art Hakes. Resquiescat in pace.

Hope you enjoyed the season and have a blessed summer! Kathy, as usual, is heading to the Sacred Music Colloquium in Philadelphia next week (she'll be there on July 4th!).

See you this fall, and bring some sopranos and basses with you! We need 'em. And if you have a Facebook account, like us there.

Your webmaster, who occasionally looks at Kathy for the cutoff,

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