Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Okay, Then

Looks like the Solemn High Mass held at the Cathedral on June 1 (above) will indeed be the last one there for quite some time. According to incoming rector Fr. Chuck Durante in the June-July 2018 High Desert Catholic:
“The only actively assigned priest in our diocese trained in the Latin Rite, as far as I know, is Father Loy, who celebrates it at the Holy Spirit Mission. So, for those people who remember the Latin Rite and long for it, or those younger people who desire it, the Holy Spirit Mission in Washoe Valley would be the place to go for the Latin experience. The rubrics of the Latin Rite are completely different, and though I might be able to pronounce some of the words in Latin, I wouldn’t understand what I was saying very well, so I could not really pray it. I would just be saying words.”
Still, HDC's farewell interview with Fr. Jacob Carazo, which also delves more into the 32-year-history of the Friars in Reno, is worth the read.

I know I put one of these memes into our year-end post, but considering the almost certain closure of the doors of the Cathedral to us, here's another one:




And, more importantly, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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