All hail the Choirparts YouTube channel for providing this most excellent resource, namely the Missa O Magnum Mysterium with individual parts emphasized. I'm going to include the Sanctus and Benedictus as well; we may or may not sing them during the Christmas season, so stay tuned.
Missa O Magnum Mysterium (Victoria):
- Kyrie (S, A, T, B)
- Gloria (S, A, T, B)
- Sanctus (S, A, T, B)
- Benedictus (S, A, T, B)
- Agnus Dei (S1, S2, A, T, B)
Make sure you bring your MOMM to this rehearsal (11/7) and all further rehearsals through the Christmas season. You don't have to bring your Mom to rehearsal...unless she can sing.
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