Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Kathy's "American R" Shirt

Kathy graciously allowed me to take a photo of her "Absolutely No American R's Allowed" T-shirt that she received on a tour of Spain with other choir directors. She says this was agreed to be the biggest problem in all the choirs represented, so these shirts were made and distributed. The front of the shirt has the R with the line through it and the initials "ANARA." While we're at it, let us lose the Fonzie-esque "ayyyy's" as well.

Some other mentionables from the start of the season:
  • Please pray for Sandy Turner, who is recovering from knee replacement surgery; Tim Rhodes' mother, who fell and broke her hip; and Mary Ann, who recently lost her brother.
  • Kathy has a standing invitation for anyone from RPC who wants to help sing for the Cathedral's EF High Mass on the first Friday of each month. They generally meet in the choir loft at 5:30 PM. A potluck dinner usually follows. Kathy adds that on Friday, November 4, the Mass for the Dead will be celebrated, which will involve at least one extra rehearsal. See, call, or email her for details. (The entire choir will be singing there for Epiphany on Friday, January 6, 2017.)
  • Some of us will be representing RPC at the Cathedral's Ministry Fair on Sunday, October 2 after the 7:30, 9:30, and 11:30 Masses. It will be in the courtyard behind the Cathedral. Pray that we receive some more members.
  • Kathy was asked whether holes may be punched in our music. Her reply: No, because it weakens the paper and any new copies we make cost the choir money. Remember not to cut the music or mark it with ink or highlighter; if  you absolutely must do that, make a copy for yourself. You can use magazine holders to hold the Propers and other larger pieces of music in the binders; they can only be ordered online. We're not getting iPads for each choir member anytime soon.
  • Speaking of binders, Kathy suggests getting a small black three-ring binder (1/2 inch or so) for our Christmas Mass. That way, you won't need to bring anything else that day.
  • Welcome to our newest members!

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Oct. 2: 27th Sunday In Ordinary Time

(Image credit:

4 PM at the Cathedral. Things will be a little different in the choir loft; the organ was repositioned.

Introit: In voluntate tua, Domine (S/A)

KyrieGloria (mp3), SanctusAgnus Dei: Mass VIII

Credo III (mp3)

Offertory: Vir erat in terra nomine Job (T/B), O Sanctissima

Communio: In salutare tuoO Sacrum Convivium (Remondi)

Recessional: Father We Thank Thee Who Has Planted

(NOTE: RPC is NOT responsible for the content of ads that may appear before or in videos. Otherwise, this blog is a politics-free zone.)

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

It's The Definitive Mass Schedule! . . . That Is, Until We Get Another One

The first Mass schedule is now up on the site via Google Calendar; you can see it on the right side of the site. As always, it is subject to change at any time. So far, these are all for the Cathedral; we trust that dates at other churches will follow.

Quick notes:

  • Because Tuesday, November 1 is a Holyday of Obligation, our rehearsal will start at 7:15 to accommodate the Mass. There will be no chant instruction class beforehand.
  • We are singing on Christmas Day at 11:30 Mass, then singing twice for Epiphany: on its traditional January 6 (a Friday night), then on Sunday, January 8 at the usual time.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

"Thuh" vs. "Thee"

This comes up on the rare occasion that we must sing English. Grammar Girl explains when to say (or, for us, sing) "the" as "thuh" and as "thee." Here's the condensed version (emphasis as in the original):
Pronounce it “thee” if the next word starts with a vowel sound. 
Pronounce it “thuh” if the next word starts with a consonant sound.
Just like with a versus an, it’s not the first letter of the next word that matters, it’s the first sound.
Oh, the image? "The The" is a British band that was popular in the 1980s and early 1990s.

Monday, September 5, 2016

And We Are Back

Hope you enjoyed the summer. Mark your calendars for Tuesday, September 20th. That is not only my mother's 80th birthday, it's also when our weekly 7 PM rehearsals resume at our usual location.

From Kathy:
New this year is the Parish Book of Chant, which you will receive at rehearsal. If you already have one from taking one of my chant classes, I would appreciate it if you would use that.
I will begin chant instruction classes 30 minutes prior to rehearsal starting on September 27, not the first week of rehearsal.  If you want to participate, please let me know so that I can have materials ready for you.
If you know of a parish which would like us to visit, please let me know as soon as possible.
If you are bringing or referring a new member, please let me know well in advance.  It can be difficult if new people show up and I don't have music for them.  The music library is at my home, not [where we rehearse.] [1] [...]
REMINDER:  PLEASE GIVE AMPLE NOTICE IF YOU NEED TO MISS A REHEARSAL OR SCHEDULED SINGING DATE!  If you know you are going to be out of town for Christmas, this is a good time to let me know!
[1] This is why we do not make our rehearsal location public.