Thursday, January 16, 2014

Feb. 2: Super Bowl Candlemas Day

At Holy Spirit Mission, call time 7:30 AM. Potluck brunch afterward. (NOTE: We will not be singing all of these.)

Antiphon: Lumen ad revelationem
Exsurge Domine (note: the psalm is different; also, how can there be another schola called Regina Pacis Cantorum?! Let's sue! (just kidding))
Adorna thalamum tuum
Responsum accepit Simeon

Responsory: Obtulerunt pro eo Domino

Introit: Suscepimus, Deus

Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus: Mass IX

Gradual: Suscepimus, Deus

Alleluia: Senex puerum portabat

Offertory: Diffusa est gratia

Agnus Dei: Missa O Quam Gloriosum

Communio: Responsum accepit Simeon

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Friday, Jan. 31: Routhier-Dias Wedding

3 PM at the Cathedral; call time 2 PM.

Introit: Deus Israel

Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus: Mass IX

Gradual and Alleluia: Uxor tua; Mittat vobis

Offertory: In te speravi
Ave Maria (Victoria)

Agnus Dei: Missa O Quam Gloriosum

Communio: Ecce sic benedicetur

Jan. 26: 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

5 PM at the Cathedral; call time is 4:15.

Introit: Dominus secus mare

Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus, Agnus Dei: Mass VIII

Offertory: Dextera Domini
Jesus, Lover Of My Soul

Communio: Venite post me
O Sacrum Convivium

Recessional: Praise, My Soul, The King Of Heaven 

Thursday, Feb. 6: Benediction


At St. Thomas Aquinas Cathedral, 6:30 PM (call time: 6 PM in Reghini Hall, and remember, you're Already Too Loud when you come into the church!  Please respect the exposed Blessed Sacrament . . . thanks!)

Opening: Verbum Supernum Prodiens

Lauda Sion

Pange Lingua

Divine Praises

Holy God, We Praise Thy Name

Monday, January 13, 2014

Pray For Rain And/Or Snow

(Nevada's evaporating Walker Lake. Photo from High Country News.)

And only a month ago, I was talking about Snow Panic. Sigh.

At least in my parish, a prayer for snow was added to the Prayers of the Faithful this Sunday. We need to pray that God would send abundant rain to the valleys of California and Nevada and snow to the Sierras, where there hasn't been a decent seasonal snowfall in three years. California's bishops are praying for rain, as are Californian Muslims.

 Fr. Z says, why stop there? How about a public procession to pray for rain or snow?
In the Rituale Romanum under the section for processions for Rogation Days, there are directions for a procession to implore rain, including: 
God, in whom we live and move and have our being, grant us rain in plenty, so that as we amply experience your gifts of the present time we may all the more confidently desire those of eternity.
Grant, we beg you, almighty God, that we who put our trust in you in this affliction may ever be shielded from all adversities.
Lord, give us, we pray, a plentiful rainfall, and graciously pour out on the parched earth moisture from the heavenly vaults; through Christ our Lord.
When we have great need, let’s take it to the streets.
ETA: Yes, we live in the driest state in the nation, but this could be cyclical. Throughout the 90s and the 2000s, one of Baltimore's primary reservoirs was reduced in sections to a trickle of a stream. When I was back in Maryland for Christmas with my family, I noticed not only had the reservoir filled back to capacity, but the water had engulfed trees that had sprouted up on the then-dry ground. Maryland's record snowfall of 2010 probably helped take care of that. May God bless us similarly!

Three Possibilities

Check your e-mail and reply to a message from Kathy regarding three possible "gigs" for RPC. You'll see these listed in the calendar as "tentative":

  • Feb. 2: Candlemas Day High Mass at Holy Spirit Mission (followed by a potluck brunch). Of course, this is also the date of the far more important religious observance known as the Super Bowl, but we'd be done well before then.
  • Apr. 18: Good Friday service (not a Mass) at St. Rose of Lima. Easter is so late this year, it's almost in Advent.
  • May 17: A wedding at the Cathedral.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

From Just Down I-80

Good news from the City of St. Francis:

Archbp. Cordileone establishes “Benedict XVI Institute for Sacred Music and Divine Worship” (HT: Fr. Z)

And like last year, Fr. Francisco will celebrate an EF Mass at the National Shrine of St. Francis of Assisi in San Francisco at 5 PM on Saturday, January 25, following the West Coast Walk for Life. Dr. William Mahrt's St. Ann's Choir of Palo Alto will provide the music.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Have A Healthy New Year, If Possible

Looks like the New Year hasn't resulted in illness letting up on RPC members; now your humble webmaster is stricken, and it's not fun. And Phyllis still needs our prayers for her recovery, as do all of us who are still stricken in one form or another.

Remember, don't bring your bugs and viruses to share with the rest of the choir. But also, don't just stay home without notifying Kathy first. Your germs aren't spreadable across phone lines. Yet.