Saturday, December 23, 2017

Some Pre-Christmas Articles From The Interwebs

Hat tip for all of the following, including the above photo about "the warning signs of Traditional Catholicism," [1] to Regina Magazine. That sentiment is buttressed by this encouraging article: Young people increasingly attracted to Gregorian chant. All they really need is exposure to chant, which is what we in RPC try to give them.

Next, check out this multi-lingual flash mob at the Cologne, Germany railroad station from WDR Rundfunkchor. (Sorry, I couldn't embed it.) I would so love to do something like this.

Sadly, here's the flip side of that video, a somber reminder that actions we take for granted can result in real, genuine persecution elsewhere in the world: Priests and seminarians arrested for singing Christmas carols in India. The last sentence is chilling: "Overall, more than 650 attacks on minority Christians have been reported in the Hindu-majority nation so far in 2017." How many weren't? Bear in mind we have sung for all three Indian priests stationed here in the Diocese of Reno: Fr. Jose ("Joes") Isaac of Holy Cross, Fr. Philip George of Immaculate Conception, and Fr. Thomas Babu of St. Michael's (Stead).

[1] In case you can't make out the writing, I'll start counterclockwise at the bottom right:
  • Know the warning signs of Traditional Catholicism.
  • "Your son has been practicing Gregorian chant again in our living room!"
  • "I'm not angry. I just want to know where you got those copies of Fatima Crusader."
  • 1 in 5 teenagers will experiment with Traditional Catholicism.
  • "How long have you been attending the Latin Mass?"
  • Scapulars are a gateway to Miraculous Medals.
  • "I found this mantilla in your room. How could you?"

Monday, December 18, 2017

It's The Most Unhealthy Time Of The Year


The good news: Kathy's eye surgery got postponed.
The bad news: She had to power through yet another illness to lead us this past Sunday.
The worse news: Many of us also have been stricken with various illnesses; the choir loft was somewhat sparse. We can only hope and pray our illnesses cease or at least become minimized.

Still worthy of your prayers are Barbara Fanaris for her continuing back problems and Eleanor Walls for her complications from knee replacement surgery. Eleanor can use visitors at her nursing facility; contact Kathy for details for where she is.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

I Said Watch The Director!

Kathy is obviously not the only one having trouble getting us to lift our heads out of the book every so often. On the other hand, it looks like we may have found her replacement for after she retires. (HT: Phyllis Young.)

Monday, December 11, 2017

Dec. 24: Christmas Eve

(Adoration of the Child, Giovani Bellini, from Wikimedia Commons.)

For the first time in recent memory, we will sing for 5 PM Christmas Eve Mass instead of on Christmas Day. 4:15 at the Cathedral. Pre-Mass carols excluded.

Introit: Hodie scietis

Kyrie (SATB), Gloria (SATB): Missa O Magnum Mysterium (Victoria)

Credo III (mp3)

Offertory: Tollite portas, principes; Tollite Hostias

Sanctus: Mass VIII

Agnus DeiMissa O Quam Gloriosum (Victoria)

Communio: Revelabitur, Silent Night

Recessional: While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks By Night

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Doctor Her Eyes

Please keep Kathy in your prayers as she will be undergoing a procedure to remove a lump from her right eye; she had a similar operation in September on her left eye. She still plans to be at our Gaudete Sunday Mass. As she put it, "Santa will be bringing me a black eye for Christmas." We need to make that into a carol of some sort.

She will need a lot of help from us afterward as she will not be able to bend over or lift anything. We'll need to carry all her usual stuff to and from the choir loft. More importantly, if you forgot any music, she will be unable to provide you with another copy.

Still touring today, Jackson Browne has had lots of FM airplay over the years with songs like "Running On Empty," "Boulevard," and a cover of "Stay," as well as the Top 10 hits "Somebody's Baby" from Fast Times At Ridgemont High, "Lawyers In Love," and the song to which the title of this post alludes, "Doctor My Eyes," which reached #8 all the way back in 1972. To date, Browne has sold over 18 million albums in the United States. He was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2004 and campaigns for a number of environmental causes.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Dec. 17: Third Sunday of Advent

(Image from Orbis Catholicus Travel Blog.)

4:15 PM at the Cathedral.

Introit: Gaudete in Domino (T/B)

Kyrie (no Gloria), SanctusAgnus Dei: Mass XVII

Credo III (mp3)

Offertory: Benedixisti (S/A); Lo How A Rose E'er Blooming (SATB)

Communio: DiciteVeni O Sapientia

Recessional: Veni, Veni Emmanuel/O Come, O Come Emmanuel