Wednesday, September 26, 2012

One Solfege Tutorial

For those who attended Kathy's two-week class on the fundamentals of chant (and we thank her for giving it), she suggested we brush up on solfege.  She gave us a handout showing various intervals.  Here also is a tutorial that was suggested in the MusicaSacra forum: School of Intervals (UPDATE: that link is now inoperative).

There are many other online resources; just do a search on "solfege" or "solfege Gregorian chant".

(P.S. A little bird tells me today is Kathy's birthday!)

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Turn Off Your Cell Phone

Why am I posting this?  Well, it has nothing to do with the offertory motet we were singing earlier this year, during which I heard a cell phone go off, got self-righteously indignant, wondered whose it was, and then realized . . . it was mine . . . .

On second thought, yes, it does.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Starting Back Up

We're going to start our new season with a twist.  According to Kathy:
Instead of jumping right into rehearsals, I am going to use two Tuesdays (Sept. 18 & 25 respectively) to give two classes on Gregorian chant fundamentals.  Although primarily intended for new members, many of our current membership could benefit from this opportunity to become more comfortable with neumes.  If this is you, please consider attending these sessions which will run at our normal 7 PM – 9 PM time.  I MUST KNOW IF YOU ARE GOING TO ATTEND so that I can have materials prepared for you.
Actual rehearsals will begin on October 2.
If you would like to join us for these classes, please contact Kathy at the number or e-mail address on this site.  Presumably, it'll be because you'll want to sing with us!